Thursday, April 06, 2006

Center for Bioethical Reform

I'll drop back here sometime and put a link in this post here.

The CBR is the pro-life group that puts on the GAP presentations. For those of you not in the know, the Genocide Awareness Project is an innovative, in-your-face public demonstration of pictures showing parallels in images and language between abortion today, and well-recognized genocides of the past. The images and language are pretty compelling - likely to draw a reaction, both for and against, but mostly to inspire debate based on the physical reality of what abortion entails.

Calgary recently had GAP at the U of C for a couple of days. A friend of mine helped organize it, and gave me a call on the day of its first showing. I scoured the media, both that day and the second it was on, and didn't see a single reference to it in local media - the same media that would write a front-page story if two pro-abortion people held signs to protest 'lack of abortion access' in Canada. Maybe it's 'cause I don't have cable, but I didn't see or hear anything about it, except from my friend. Come to think of it, maybe I should ask him if he saw anything in the media.

As far as I'm concerned, I think GAP has a prominent role to play in pro-life activism today - it's essential that people confront the physical reality that 'choice' means for our society. If it can't be stomached to look at, it should tell us something about it. I remember the effect it had on me when a pro-life activist showed me a plastic-encased aborted fetus, about 10-12 weeks gestation. Many on the pro-choice side dismiss this biological reality, preferring to argue almost philosophically - some commenters on the CCBR site claim that the images are faked. I can't imagine the kind of denial people like that are in - shown the actual images of abortion, and refusing to accept them as real. I admire those who make the hard reality a part of their mission - it contrasts with my sometimes-abstract involvement.

The lady running the CBR will be speaking at a local event called 'Theology on Tap' this coming Monday evening. I don't have the info in front of me, but will try to reply by e-mail to you if you drop me a request for it.

Hypochondriac, Know Thyself!

Really, this post is part of my therapy. Not that a doctor told me to do it, but what the heck.

About 5 years ago, I had a mole removed that was found to have been melanomic (real word, or did I just make that up?). Our family doctor certainly made it sound serious, and I was actually booked for a follow-up surgery about 7 days later (in Saskatchewan, it means it's really serious when you're not put on a 12 month waiting list). The dermatologist gave it the 99.9% clear signal and everything's been smooth sailing since, right?

Except, I was advised to begin having yearly physicals, and one in-between 'mole check' appointment. Don't get me wrong, every single check-up since the initial scare has been medically 'clean'. Unfortunately, in my head, moreso as time goes on, every ache and pain is a new cancer scare. The most recent began last summer-ish - headaches, heaviness in my limbs, sore eyes (more bloodshot than usual) - you're probably asking yourself, "when did you start blogging and spending extra time in front of the computer screen?". To which I say, "bugger off, this is my pity story".

Anyway, what to do in the Canadian health care system when you ask for tests for things in your body that don't feel quite the same as they have, and those tests come back showing nothing? Do you write it off as an overactive imagination? Do you continue bugging your doctor until he says he can't handle you as a patient anymore?

Just thought I'd get that off my chest.